Chiral compound

Diposting oleh uZaMi hAmZah
Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

L-Ascorbic Acid, is the bioactive form of Vitamin C, on the other hand D-Ascorbic Acid is biochemically inactive. I wander Why ?
Vitamin C is a product that is prevalent in many foods and produced by an abundance of chemical companies. The chemical side of Vitamin C is what is basically addressed here.Known by most scientists, but virtually unknown by the public and most doctors is the fact that Vitamin C has two totally and distinctly separate sides, as many products do. The two sides consist of "L"-Ascorbic Acid, which is the (-) side , and D-Ascorbic Acid, which is the (+) side. The L side of Vitamin C is the active side, and is the side which is beneficial to mankind . The D-side of Vitamin C is designated as useless and discarded by the body, as most research shows. People ingesting Vitamin C would only benefit from the "L" side of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is not a stable substance, as some people believe, and the L and D sides are subject to change with moisture an if water is added.

Example: In an orange, the Vitamin C is primarily the L side, and remains so in the surroundings of the orange.However, when the j uice has been extracted from the orange for a period of days, the "L" side changes to D and the juice will eventually even off at 50% D and 50% L Vitamin C content. Frozen concentrate orange juice, when thawed and water added, will produce exactly the same action.The exact same action takes place again when Vitamin C is added by manufacturers to juices or drinks.

The assumption the public is under is that the Vitamin C added as a supplement during the manufacture of any liquid is all beneficial, which is a myth. The facts are that adding Vitamin C to drinks may constitute only 50-60% "L" , with the remainder being the D side. Although it is believed that the body discards the D side of Vitamin C, further research should be undertaken to confirm this theory, as it may reveal that in some individuals, an abundance of the D side of Vitamin C could conceivably be detrimental to a person's health.

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